1. Booyah Poppin Pad Crasher Frog
With its body like a boat hull and easily collapsible exterior, I really can’t say enough good things about the Booyah Poppin Pad Crasher. Work it side-to-side around mossy stumps and isolated wood cover for explosive results. Surprisingly lightweight, the Poppin Pad Crasher empties itself of water with every swoop, keeping it afloat no matter how slow your retrieve.
2. Evolve Nervous Walker
Perfect for fishing docks, the Evolve Nervous Walker makes easy work out of an erratic walk-the-dog retrieve, enticing bass out of cover with its lifelike surface crawl. The engineers at Evolve Baits spent a lot of time closely studying the behavior of freshwater frogs, and the Nervous Walker makes it apparent that their time was not wasted. Whether you hop it around pads or glide it through open water, the Evolve Nervous Walker will load your boat with fish.
3. Zoom Horny Toad
The standard by which all other soft body toads are measured, the Zoom Horny Toad is one of the most productive frog baits on the market. Slap it around moss and overhanging branches to stir up a feeding frenzy among opportunistic bass. Depending on your retrieve speed, you can walk it across topwater or buzz it just under the surface to mimic a hungry amphibian sucking down insects.
4.Strike King KVD Sexy Frog
No list of frog baits is complete without the best-selling Strike King KVD Sexy Frog. Built with Strike King’s premium soft plastic, the hollow-bodied KVD Sexy Frog collapses instantly when bit, exposing razor-sharp frog hooks for a deadly penetration. Throw it shallow and watch as aggressive bass pin it against the bank for a violent takedown.
5. Spro Bronzeye Popper Frog
Just as deadly as the original Bronzeye 65, the Spro Bronzeye Popper Frog features an inwardly cupped mouth designed to scoop and spit water, chugging and popping as it walks. Its powerful topwater splash is perfect for fishing thick scum and pollen lines. Because the scum blocks the sun, bass congregate underneath, looking for any opportunity to snatch an easy meal.
If you need more different frog bass baits, welcome to Goture.com- fishing tackle online for sale!